HaHa! No, Ever So Enlightened One - I was, of course, referring to your more recent post in which you claim many people from the South are incapable of realizing just how racist we are and in which you insinuate we're slinging certain racist terms around with ignorant abandon. This is simply untrue. I grew up in the South and NEVER heard the word nigger used until a kid from Fort Wayne, Indiana moved in across the street when I was 13 years old. Now I hear it on the radio every day but I guess if you replace the "er" with an "a" it's OK... That's "progress" for ya! FYI, the only racists I currently know and associate with here in the dirty south are liberals (or is it "progressives") who constantly bring up the subject of skin color as if it makes a damn bit of difference.Originally posted by BaM*BaM
This is what you call 'HATE-Mongering"? ... Sigh... How much more polite can someone be in asking people to NOT use negative racial slang?
I also give humorous terms to possibly use instead...
... More of that same "HATE-MONGERING?"
I think that deep down you know Joe wasn't implying anything negative about any race of people by using the term "ricer" - that he was just using one word to succinctly describe a certain type of vehicle and the mindset of those who create such vehicles - no matter what their ethnicity. If you don't know that, then get off your ivory tower and join us down here in the real world man! Your alliteration and your cartoons are entertaining but when you post venomous words like that, all you're doing is stirring the pot of hatred...
OK - back to talking about Bantan's combine. Bantan, just how many acres of corn can you harvest in a day with that thing?