
While packing to go to Ukraine as an election monitor for their Dec. 26, election, I just stopped in to look at the latest comments by our local "good ol' boy' network. (You are all (Ya'all) drinking buddies now?) LOL

So, SlowPro48, from what you say,

I find it ironic that we're getting a lecture on racism by somebody who lives in what has to be one of the most whitebread states in the nation..
... I am not qualified to speak about racial hatred, and the use of racial slurs, because I do not live near any of these minorities? And for you and your friends, the use of "RICER", or any other racial slur you feel like using, is completely correct because you feel fully justified in your bias and bigotry, because you live very near these minorities.
You regressive thinkers... errr.... you prefer the word "conservative" I think, ... geniuses are just too much.!

I think when you refer to me as "Spud Boy", you must be thinking about all of the Skin Heads and White Supremacists, and Mormons, that live in Idaho, Nevada, and Montana. I am sure you would feel right at home with all of them. They also worship the supernatural, and hate people such as me, and believe that their personal "colorful" expressions about race and hate, are nobody's business but their own. ( They also enjoy calling themselves, "CONSERVATIVES", just like you and your friends. But we all know that in their hearts, they are really pathetic "REGRESSIVES".)

They actually have very similar thoughts as your drinking buddy, Transo. His quote,

:use of the terms "African American" or "Asian American" are no better than "Black," "Chink," "Spic," or the dreaded "N*gger".
Maybe look again at the words that I suggested we use instead of "RICER, BLACK, CHINK, SPIC, or NIGGER" for that car mod. They were:
or a
....hmmm, no racial referrals at all.

The Tibetan family and the Mexican family that live and work on this Ranch, await the next great comments from the few, but very loud members of the southern VX beer drinkers club. LOL (i'll be gone)
