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Thread: Isuzerati

  1. #61
    Member Since
    Jul 2003
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    Transio - I have nothing against the Lotus (with the exception of the butt ugly Europa!) - I think they look pretty cool, and I'm sure by now they have gotten their quality standards up to par. I'm just ragging on them in the other thread as a payback! Oh, and by the way, I won't try to steal your court jester position in that forum - so sorry
    "If you're not living on the edge --- you're taking up too much space!!"

  2. #62
    Member Since
    Apr 2004
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    The Elise is awesome, and so is the Caterham Seven. Either could find a place next to my VX, if I could afford either.

  3. #63
    I think it's safe to say the hatred of cars like an elise or miatas are from people that dont generally like sports cars to begin with...

    For the record, if my previous posts haven't pounded it in, I'm not one of those people.

    On a side note about the 4-banger...if you cram American ideas of highpower engines into little itty bitty sports cars (i.e. shelby cobras) can you not like that? I like the elise just fine with a 4cyl, more than enogh to make me lust ...but I'm just saying...

  4. #64
    Member Since
    May 2004
    No VX anymore. :(
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    Originally posted by spaceCADETzoom
    On a side note about the 4-banger...if you cram American ideas of highpower engines into little itty bitty sports cars (i.e. shelby cobras) can you not like that? I like the elise just fine with a 4cyl, more than enogh to make me lust ...but I'm just saying...
    The problem is that it's nearly impossible to do both effectively. The few cars that have succeeded and kept a curb weight below 2500 pounds with a bigger engine (available in america):
    1. Mosler MT900 Photon - 1980 lbs, 5.7L V8, 450hp, $200k
    2. Noble M12GTO - 2200 lbs, 3.0L V6 TT, 350hp, $90k
    3. Koenigsegg CC - 2425 lbs, 4.6L V8 SC, 650hp, $450k
    4. Ultima GTR - 2300lbs, 5.7L V8, 600hp, $120k
    5. Lotus Elise Esthi (shown above) - 2200lbs, 3.0L V6, 380hp, $200k (est.)

    Those are about all the sportscars available under 2500 pounds with V6 or V8.

    Notice something about them, though.... they're all FREAKING EXPENSIVE AS HELL !!! That's because Cost / Weight / Power are a 3-way balance. Increasing power and decreasing weight simultaneously have a significant impact on cost. Of course, you can ignore weight, but then you lose handling. Lotus chooses to give higher priority to handling and lower priority to power.

  5. #65
    Member Since
    Jul 2003
    99'/astral silver/vehicross
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    ok... for all the touchy people...

    if you go through all the posts, i don't think anyone was coming down hard on anything except the corvette, and maybe a little on the miata. If you want to defend the miata, go to the miata forum, i'm defending my VX. I don't like it when elitist sports car snob start talking about the design (visual) of other cars some of the ugliest (percieved) cars in the world are some of the most bad-***. take a look at the bugatti veyron. You bring to everyones attention that people on an elise forum are making fun of one of our own and then you get ansy when we defend them with a little of their own medicine. Not a dig at all transio, i like everything i've seen you post on this forum, and i'm sure if i met you we would get along great, but people have opinions and i think they can express them here. I don't even think this conversation was getting out of hand. I find it fun to discuss this topic with people as i like to see peoples different ideas of "sports car". I LOVE LOTUS, so don't think I'm digging them out here. I'm simply pointing out that a sports car is a sports car is a sports car, and many are riding the waves of others, even if they had there own wave at one point. i don't deny that the elise is a sweet machine, but to say it is "true", may offend other "sports car" owners that you deny viablity simply because you think that handling and curb weight are the most important factors (along with lotus). but by that logic you would be telling me that a huge beast like the bugatti or the lambo or even the enzo (by elise standards of size) are not "true" sports cars. if your curb weight goes up make it lower and wider. And to say that acceleration isn't important is just silly. Have you ever track raced before? acceleration is one of the most important factors in being able to stay in it after a mishap or after a horseshoe. Everyone's opinion differs on the matter of what defines a sports car, and i am not denying the elise it's place, i'm simply saying that the elise, miata, Z3, etc, don't do it for me. (and even though i would typically be one of the first to slam an american car) give me a shelby cobra, a v6 esprit, or an old porsche open top any day of the week though. and yes, i love a good ol' MG or triumph (as far as pure goes).

    I have truly enjoyed this conversation so far, but let's keep it friendly as i don't think anyone here has made an attemp to insult anyone, and i think that's what makes it fun. I hope i didn't offend any elise owners in the process, and i think my copy of a copy of a copy remark may have been taken the wrong way, as in no way do i deny the elise it's "true" sports car heritage.

    as for the VX, let them talk smack, as in the the end, we still have a more limited vehicle than most people on the planet, and i didn't even pay HALF of what an elise owner paid. I can beat or keep up with many people on the pavement (especially once i get my SC) and then i can take it off-road in a fast and capable way. i don't hear of may vehicles that can do that in nearly the capacity that the VX does.

    PEACE to ALL, and have a wonderful and joyful holiday!
    macintosh man

  6. #66
    Member Since
    May 2004
    No VX anymore. :(
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    Re: ok... for all the touchy people...

    Originally posted by technocoy
    You bring to everyones attention that people on an elise forum are making fun of one of our own and then you get ansy when we defend them with a little of their own medicine. Not a dig at all transio, i like everything i've seen you post on this forum, and i'm sure if i met you we would get along great, but people have opinions and i think they can express them here.
    For the record, I was bringing the Isuzerati to everyone's attention - not the stabs at the VX in general. As for the Elise people making fun of the VX's looks, I think it was 1/2 picking on the truck, and 1/2 picking on me, because most of them know I have one. If you look at the thread in the other forum, I was defending the VX there, so why can't I also defend the Elise here? It wasn't my intention to say that other sports cars are not viable in other ways, but only that the Elise is a true sports car, "cute" or not.

    PS - I'll leave Miatas for another discussion.

  7. #67
    Member Since
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    99'/astral silver/vehicross
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    lol... i'll take that.

    point taken, and again, i hope that i didn't offend, as that was not my intention.

    To you and everyone else on the board, HAVE A HAPPY HOLIDAY, and a WONDERFUL NEW YEAR. I'll see you guys after the 1st.

    Peas out,

  8. #68
    Hey folks! Nice to meet ya!

    Im the "Jackass" who posted the pics of the Vehicross. I guess I'll accept the Jackass since I did call you ( before I knew who you were) a Clown. Now we're even. I didnt mean for them to blow up like this though! lol

    I posted this on the Elise board...but wanted to make sure Isuzerati saw it. The main body of what I said was posted on Elisetalk but I added some personalization for this VX thread so if the flow seems odd..thats why.

    Here goes.....

    I havent looked at this thread forever! I didnt realize the owner of the car came forward. What a SMALL world.

    Thanks for calling me a Jackass. Oh, and I own a Lotus Elise too...and no, I didnt choose it because it was the least expensive of the line. Thought I'd clear that up now.

    To those who feel "slighted" on the vehicross forum and, as such, feel the need to belittle the Elise....whatever makes you feel better. Rest assured however that 99% of the comments you took as being really rude were just said in jest within the "community" as jabs at Transio in jest.

    I read through this thread and I have to say I found it entertaining. It's here I should probably add that I own MIATAS too. I can "discuss" miatas all day long. My AIM name is Mahatmablondie.

    Most of the people here ragging on the VX were doing so because we know Transio has one and he's an accepted member here so we can rag on him and its ok cause' we all love each other.

    Yes, Im from Louisville. No, Ive never spotted your car BUT a friend did, and he posted the pics on a local message board to ask about it. PM me if you want the url. Everyone said it was just a vehicross with an emblem on it, but there were some who were sure so I posted this board has a larger "european" fan base.

    Anyhoo...I guess not many people understand why you put Maserati on the back of your car. Im one of them. It's not a bad thing. I just dont understand I guess.

    I just looked over on the vehicross forum....I had no idea this would get so large. LOL. Look, noone meant to make fun of you per se. I honestly DID NOT know what kind of car it was. I THOUGHT it was a vehicross but I couldnt figure out why anyone would go to the trouble of putting a Maserati badge on it.

    If you dont want attention like this from automotive enthusiasts, I'd suggest taking the Maserati ( or Lotus) badges off your Isuzu.

    Last edited by OneFastLotus : 12/28/2004 at 12:05 PM

  9. #69
    Member Since
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    No worries, Jennifer. Purchasing and owning a VX (or Elise for that matter) shows we can accept unusual designs as beauty or beast... which ever. Some people just have a hard time dealing with the not-so-positive comments about something they are so passionate about.

    I understand many people think the VX is an ugly beast... and I don't really care. I'm not going to argue with them about it because I know someone arguing with ME about something I think is ugly wouldn't do much good... so, as they say, opinions are like buttholes!

  10. #70
    Originally posted by Dallas4u
    No worries, Jennifer. Purchasing and owning a VX (or Elise for that matter) shows we can accept unusual designs as beauty or beast... which ever. Some people just have a hard time dealing with the not-so-positive comments about something they are so passionate about.

    I understand many people think the VX is an ugly beast... and I don't really care. I'm not going to argue with them about it because I know someone arguing with ME about something I think is ugly wouldn't do much good... so, as they say, opinions are like buttholes!


    Just to clear things up.....keep in mind that I never said I dont like the Vehicross. I did say that I think putting the wrong badges on your car is just plain stupid and makes someone look....well, like a clown. IMHO.

    I like unusual looking vehicles.

    I did notice that Raque said he hasnt seen many other Vehicrosses in Louisville.....I see at least 3 or 4 quite frequently in the St Matthews area. Two are yellow.
    Last edited by OneFastLotus : 12/28/2004 at 02:29 PM

  11. #71
    Member Since
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    Elise ............ ???
    Did someone 'down' the Elise ........ ??? (I did not browse thru the entire thread)
    The Elise is the real deal ......... one of the neatest cars on the planet ........ and a 'bargain' at $40k or whatever they cost .......
    If I had the money, I would have one in my garage now .......

  12. #72
    Member Since
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    For anyone that feels compelled to 'down' small power plants, I offer the following for your *entertainment*:
    Honda 1.5L 6 cyl F1 engine
    1010 horsepower
    That is correct. 1.5 litre - 1494 cc to be exact - and 1010 horsepower at full boost. 900+ reliable horsepower in 'race' mode.
    And that was in the mid 80's.

  13. #73
    Member Since
    Jul 2004
    2000 Black VX 0363
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    Rode in a new elise the other day (friends boss's). Ehh...not as nice as his burnt orange diablo. (Yea, he's probably got a small penis, his grocery getter is a boxter)


    This whole thread inspired me to make a new sig. Pardon the camera phone quality.

    2000 Black VX 105k

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