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Thread: Do I have a sickness?

  1. #1
    Member Since
    Mar 2003
    '00 Ironman #0145, '01 Kaiser #0946
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    Do I have a sickness?

    Just wondering if I am bordering on sick as I am considering the purchase of another Vehicross sometime in the near future... If I buy another VX, I want to keep it nearly stock... only wanting to maybe put some slightly larger, more agressive looking tires on it... sooooo... am I crazy to want another?

    Yes, the current VX project will remain in my clutches after it is done... actually, if I buy another, the Ironman will be opened up to extreme mods in the future... as if the motor wasn't extreme... thinking SAS, cage, and maybe even some kind of VX-02 work (think topless!).

    Anywho... how many other VX owners have more than one in the household? I miss driving my VX! I'm goin to look at one on Saturday... unfortunately, I don't have the cash to buy outright from an idividual so I will be stuck with a dealer. If anyone knows of a SMOKIN' deal at a dealer lemme know! I have been known to fly to pick up a new car so its not outta the question!


    Coach... I mean Randy (I often forget who I really am)

    Undergoing LS1 Conversion as we speak!
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  2. #2
    Member Since
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    Joe_Black has a '99 Ironman and a '01 Dragon. Are you guys sick? Nah. I mean, I would rather try to get mine how I want it before entertaining the idea of a second, but if I could, I probably would be tempted too.

  3. #3
    I wish i can have two... one for the road one for off road. I would trade anyone my nissan skyline for a vehicross anyday! Sick.. hell no!
    Canada eh!

  4. #4
    You are not have no problems.
    I wish I could afford another VX to play with...nothing wrong with that at all!
    Good luck with the "Pearl" and BTW I did e-mail him with some questions (it went through on his hyperlink) but as he said he travels and it may take a while to get back to someone.

  5. #5
    Member Since
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    coachreed:. When was the last time yours was on the road???
    " Jeeps are nice, Barbie has one"

  6. #6
    Member Since
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    '00 Ironman #0145, '01 Kaiser #0946
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    Quote Originally Posted by VCrossfan
    coachreed:. When was the last time yours was on the road???
    Approximately December 21-22, 2003! DOH! In the nearly two years I've had the dang thing, mine has spent more than half of it in the garage! Might partially explain the fact that I haven't grown tired of the VX! lol I'm definitely wanting to drive it again... I'm going to look and test drive one on Saturday... not sure I'll buy, but I'm definitely gonna go drive it!



  7. #7
    Member Since
    May 2004
    2000, kiaser silver, VX, 0569
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    got two in the garage right now, so i say go for it man!
    "Times fun when you're having flies."
    -Kermit the Frog

  8. #8
    Member Since
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    '00 Ironman #0145, '01 Kaiser #0946
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    Quote Originally Posted by marximus
    got two in the garage right now, so i say go for it man!
    Unfortunately, mine won't be in the garage unless its being worked on... too little space in there! I'll have to deal with two in the driveway... or at least once the first one is running again! I'll be getting one sometime soon I think. TTYL!


  9. #9
    Member Since
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    Former owner of 01 Ironman #0723, 01 Dragon #0590
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    I've had mine for 1.5 weeks, and now the wife wants one too.
    I might be catching whatever you have...

    How's that swap going btw, I'm researching the Aurora swap (way easier than yours) and you are providing the inspiration.

  10. #10
    Member Since
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    Look out! That is exactly what happened to me and now I have two. It took about six weeks of competing for the VX before a decision was made to sell our (her) Jeep and get another VX.

  11. #11
    Member Since
    Mar 2004
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    Hello Coach,

    I do not mean to rain on your parade but please let me offer my comment. If you have the money to invest in another VX then maybe it would be better to use it to finish what you have already started. If you need financing (since you mentioned a dealer) then getting into another car payment debt will only lead to scrapping or holding off the VX project even more and in the end into more financial stress. If you think you have a project that is above your abilities then it would not be a bad idea to cut your losses and sell the VX. Who cares what people think. You can then re-evaluate your finances and buy another VX. I just wouldn't recommend getting into too much trouble financially.

    After reading your posts in other threads I held my advice until now. Of course if money grows on trees for you then buy to your hearts content. Just trying to help coach.

    Assimilate this .........

  12. #12
    Member Since
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    '00 Ironman #0145, '01 Kaiser #0946
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    Thanks for the thoughts and the kind vote of non-confidence... The current VX project is remaining a project due to lack of time most of my life... I am a single, full-time dad and so my son takes up MOST of my time... its a rare occassion that I have time to myself... when I do, I go in the garage and tinker. The ability to finish the project isn't a problem... the true challenges in this project have been overcome... I only need to find time to do some wiring, plumbing of fuel lines, plumbing of radiator hoses, plumbing of exhaust (actually gonna be done by a good friend of mine in his exhaust shop), and then its pretty much ready to fire up. Drive shafts are the only cost remaining in the project as everything else is sitting in the garage... so finances aren't a concern with that... it is also paid off and has been paid off for quite some time. I have no car payment right now, and haven't had one for over a year now. I have a beater that I drive now but it is on its last leg with 160K miles on it... it smokes in the morning and is due for a motor overhaul... or at least a top end overhaul. Honestly, I don't care much for the car anyway, so I don't want it...

    Now, I have been commenting to friends for months now that I want a second VX that will remain mostly stock (with the exception of tires and maybe stereo)... with the problems I am having with my daily driver/beater... now might be a good time for me. sooooooooooo... no, money doesn't grow on trees but honestly, with the exception of my mortgage, I have no debt... my only expenses are my house and utilities... not that I have to explain to you or anyone else.

    Again... thanks for the thoughts... have a WONDERFUL day!


  13. #13
    Member Since
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    Did I ever mention that IF I test drive a vehicle I want, I NEVER seem to be able to escape the purchase process?! With that being said, did I mention I test drove 2001 VX #946? Can you guess what happened next? Take a guess and I'll post back later...

    Coach... I mean Randy (I often forget who I really am)

    Undergoing LS1 Conversion as we speak!
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  14. #14
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    Randy, I'm the same way. Everything I test drive I seem to go home with. When I decided I had to have it and bought my '99 VX I was only driving the '97 Prelude I had for maybe 7 months. The VX had just come up on a used car lot at a Chevy dealer that I passed everyday. I decided to stop in one day after work, just to "look". The next thing I knew I was test driving it... then I couldn't stop thinking about it. They wouldn't give me what I needed on a trade in, so I decided to buy the VX and sell the Prelude outright... long story short, it took 3 months to get rid of the Prelude (loved that car, too) before just making a single auto payment on the VX.

    Good luck if you are still looking for another VX. I noticed a white 2000 VX coming up for auction here in Portland soon (this weekend), 66k miles for $11.5. Looks to be in great condition, but I think it is a dealer-only auction.

  15. #15
    Member Since
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    99 Astral Silver VX #1872 + 99 Ironman WIP
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    Hey Coach,
    I don't know how old your son is, but have you checked his hands to see if a wrench will fit? Now there is some quality time! I know it's not my business...just thinkin out loud.


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