It's roughly 2 hours for me, so not too bad. I'm sure the park folks will love to see us come back. One of 'em yelled at me for speeding on the campsite loop. Why? Just because he was driving his golf cart in the middle of the road around a corner and he about crapped himself when he saw me coming. I wasn't speeding and I guess he just had to yell about it. :-)
The mudholes there when we were there were more like waterholes. LOL! I'd advise against it, but it is fun at the time. I'll play in the sand there but won't do that again. The cleanup is a bear (your engine bay will never look the same again). I have traces of Ocala riding with me to this day. And you may lose your alternator and get stuck in an interesting part of town or something. Just a friendly warning. :-)