OK, I know it's still a month away but, I need a headcount for people who are planning to camp at Black Rock Mountain state park. It fills up fast in the spring. I recieved a confirmation letter from Ga state parks and they have a two tent per site rule. When I made the reservations they said six people per site, Which is still true so long as they sleep in two tents. Anyhow it's no biggie I just need to know how many people want to pitch there own tents. So I can figure how many sites will be needed. I have two already... So far I have tentatively (get it..."tentatively") myself arriving on thursday the 17th...Forgetful/wifey, skullcap/company and Joe_Black/fiancee arriving on friday the18th. Coop considering a cabin And gruven (the new Nashville VXer) contemplating the meet all together. gruven you need to come...Hope I haven't forgotten anyone? If so let me know.

If you wan't a site away from the group or a cabin that's fine too. Just call the reservation phone # 1-800-864-7275. Remember this park is one of Georgia's spring jewels and will fill up quickly!
If you wan't to camp with the group...Again let me know and there will be room for all...See You at the Gap!! carlymac

P.S. both carlemccoy2@msn.com (home) and mccoyc@k12tn.net (work) are up and running or you can PM me through this forum