Just spent the last hour reading the posts and viewing all the beautiful photos. They really capture the spirit of our wonderful event. Thanks!

I especially liked forgetful's photos of the off roaders. (You might remember I could not go because I was busy providing moral support to carlymac as he was installing my popper! ;Dp; )
And scullcap's (aka plantman) photos of the misty skies and beautiful mountains surrounding our fabulous vehicles are spectacular.

I thought everyone was the nicest bunch of strangers that I've ever camped with...well we're not strangers anymore (but still strange, and proud of it!) Bennie and Moobie slept the whole way home, took a 3 minute "break" once we got home, and then went back to sleep inside the house. I've never seen them this tired!

All day I've been composing (in my mind) a "thanks for the memories" post about the meet. (Just some silly things that make me smile.) Thanks to all for making me feel comfortable and welcome in the group. Waking up this morning among such kind folks and in the misty GA mountains was one of the best Easter mornings I can remember....