This morning I woke up to 4" of snow. I decided to clear the snow (with the snowblower) so my wife didn't have to. This caused me to run a little late. When I went to clear off my car I decided to just clear the hood, windows and windshield figuring the rest would blow off when driving. I was about 1/2 mile from my house when I had to make a sudden stop. I figured some of the snow on the roof would come forward so I put the wipers on. Holy Sh*t the whole roof of snow came forward on the windshield jamming the wipers and leaving me with no visibility. I was at a stop light so I put it in park and got out, and with my arm I cleared the drivers side so I could see. As I proceded to get back into my car, while closing the door the the wipers cleared the rest of the snow onto me, the inside of door and all over the drivers side of the car from door to console. If anyone was watching they probably got a good laugh. Needless to say I had to pull over in a parking lot and clear out the inside of my car and I arrived to work late cold and wet. Lesson learned : Take the time to do things the way you know they should be done because you never know what could happen if you don't.