I don't think the Rendezvouz or its sibling the Aztec was ever meant to pretend to be an off-road vehicle. I think like the Volvos and such, it was marketed to be a capable on road vehicle for rain, snow and other adverse road conditions. Of course, that's the marketing hype. It is really another vehicle they thought they could get the yuppie crowd interested in. The ones (as you mentioned) that need a minivan, but consider themselves too young or "hip" to drive a minivan. Unfortunately, the execution fell a little short. At first glance, a decked out Rendezvouz doesn't look too bad - but the more you look, the worse it looks. Poor quality, poor design, poor materials, etc, etc, etc. GM has been very guilty over the years of building some vehicles of questionable design and cosmetic quality - kind of reminds me of the boat or RV industry, when you see a boat that looks pretty sharp, but you start really looking closely, you see all the short cuts they took and how poor the real quality is.

Now please don't think I'm liking the looks of the Rendezvous - NOT - just saying that it was not intended or marketed to be an off-road vehicle. And - I think it's stable mate, the Aztec is the ugliest vehicle on the planet - AND they sold a HELL of a lot more of them than the VX!!!!!

Actually, the ex came home with a new Rendezvouz after totalling the Escalade a few years ago and wanted me to buy it. It looked pretty good at first, but like I said, the more I looked, the less I liked it. The price was ridiculous in my mind at over $30k! Remember the Lumina APV and siblings? That's what it reminded me of. I'm rambling here, but if you've ever driven one of those (Lumina APV, etc first generation) the steering wheel is off-center to the left, it is a VERY odd feeling to drive one!