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Thread: Gas prices to go up from CNN

  1. #1
    Member Since
    Mar 2004
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    Gas prices to go up from CNN



    an additional .24 cents to .28 cents a gallon might not seem much but will add quite a bit in your monthly gas expenses.
    Assimilate this .........

  2. #2


    How come we never hear of prices going down? The only thing that does go down is the spending power of our meger paychecks and the cost of living increases don't keep up with what we have to dish out. If I was a rich man I could care less but the working stiff always gets the dirty side of the stick.

  3. #3
    Member Since
    May 2003
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    Gas prices...

    Our gas prices have gone up just between this morning and this afternoon. Once the news says anything, the price jumps.

  4. #4
    Member Since
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    There is only so much oil left in the world. Do you really think the only reason were having this "war" is due to terrorism?

  5. #5
    Member Since
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    Did you happen to see what company made the most $$$ and profits last year? EXXON/MOBIL OIL based out in Irving, Texas.

    The only people not concerned with the oil prices are the oil people. And who do you think those people are?

    Just think about it?
    "Through Great Sacrifice..... Great Rewards Will Be Achieved"

  6. #6
    Member Since
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    '99 Astral #1613
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    Um... the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge is estimated to have enough oil to sustain this country for 30 years. The drilling would not destroy the place - it would only affect a very small area that is pretty much wasteland anyway. Take a 10x13 space and toss a penny on it. That's the space relative to the reserve we're talking about here. Most Alaskans want this to happen. Caribou have been shown to huddle near pipelines for the warmth. It would probably increase their numbers. All this is without even getting into drilling down here off the Florida coast, other Alaska spots, or off California. Most of the oil in the oceans seeps from natural fissures, not from drilling pollution. It's not a dream, it is a reality - this country could be totally independent of Middle Eastern oil if it simply had the intestinal fortitude for it. There is no reason we can't be and it's ridiculous that we're not. Even if we only tapped the ANWR resource, that's 30 years to develop a good and viable alternative to the combustion engine for the masses. Which I am not against at all, but we're a long way from ready. Oil is the lifeblood of our economy, yes. And if this war were about oil and keeping it for ourselves, we'd be controlling the Iraqi and Kuwaiti fields and the prices would be down.

  7. #7
    Member Since
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    "It's estimated", indeed. It was also estimated there were large amounts of oil in the interior of Russia, but that turned up close to dry. Yep....drill in Alaska, but if what is "estimated" to be there, is there... it's only 30 years. Also, based on world politics, it's a little more difficult to just take control over in the Middle East. It will happen that the US will install our form of Democracy over there, and put in place the types of people that are US friendly. It just takes time and for the American public... we need a reason more than just oil.

  8. #8
    Member Since
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    '01 EBONY 1330 r.i.p. now '01 PROTON 0987
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    What really gets my goat is that the same rhetoric (30 year supply, end to opec dependency, ect.) was used to justify using taxpayer dollars to finance the Alaskan Pipedream.....I mean pipeline.

    So what happened ?

    The oil companies got rich by selling that oil to other countries that will pay higher prices for the oil and the taxpayers got the un-oiled shaft....again.

    Could it be Deja vu all over again?

    I've heard gas stations are already raising prices up to 20cents/ gal. on their existing stock. Based on futures prices and opec imaginings of 80$/ barrel prices in the future. This is gas they did not pay that premium for and they may never pay the same price as the futures price.

    No gouging going on here. No one investigating either.

    Those who forget history are bound to repeat it.

    Kinda like tax breaks for the rich and the old "trickle down theory"

    If we do need to drill here, I think the oil companies that do it should be forced to keep the oil in this country and while we're at it, let's force them to keep all future oil from the pipeline in this country too.

    I'll bet the oil companies will find other sources rather than having to be responsible, accountable and reciprocal to the U.S. taxpayers and consumers.
    Last edited by SGT.BATGUANO : 03/05/2005 at 01:46 PM

  9. #9
    Member Since
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    Ride a motorcycle.... for me my R1 makes gas prices not so lame... and if you really are bent don't ever go to Europe
    face the mirror

  10. #10
    Member Since
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    The best thing Bush ever did for this country was to raise oil prices.

    It has had the effect of making alternative energy sources cost-competitive. Lots of money is now flowing into research and refinement of alternative energy that would not have been spent their previously. Which means we are just that much closer to an oil-free economy.

    If ANWAR really is the promised land of oil, we need to stay away from it in order to maintain private funding levels of alternative energy research.

    If ANWAR is not the promised land, we need to stay away from it to avoid wasting even more money on pointless destruction of the environment.

    Short term, we need atomic power produced by modern nuke planets - the kind that produce waste with a really short half-life and are designed to be physically incapable of going critical.

  11. #11
    Member Since
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    '01 EBONY 1330 r.i.p. now '01 PROTON 0987
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    Quote Originally Posted by WyrreJ
    The best thing Bush ever did for this country was to raise oil prices.
    So he's the responsible party?

    Three cheers for Dumbya!!!

  12. #12
    Member Since
    Nov 2002
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    I'm with WyrreJ. I'd love to see oil and fuel prices nail over $5 a gallon and stay there. We've NEVER needed fossil fuel for autos or anything else since Henry Ford originally designed his first cars to run on what he called the "fuel of the future"... Ethanol. But guess what folks: Even in the early 1900's the big oil companies told Henry to stuff it, they'd never produce or distribute it so his car would never sell unless he made it run on gasoline.

    Think about that next time your at the pump.
    Over 20 years of Isuzu enjoyment...

  13. #13
    Member Since
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    '99 Astral #1613
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    Joe, I KNEW you'd drop by and mention ethanol. :-) Ya know, I recently noticed that our van is designed to run on ethanol or gasoline. Not pure ethanol of course, but I think it's called E89 or something. Not sure where you can get it, though. Maybe out in CA or something. However, ethanol is often made from petroleum stocks, using catalytic hydration of ethylene with sulphuric acid as catalyst. It's much cheaper than production by fermentation so it would probably be the method of choice. Done this way, we'd still need lots of petroleum.

    I'm all for not relying on foreign oil. I'm even for not using our own oil resources if the alternative is made practical AND just as good or better. But it will not happen overnight, folks. And most of the folks who are against drilling for more oil (which will NOT destroy the environment) aren't likely to be for a smarter alternative either, if you catch my drift. Especially if some prominent conservative eventually comes along and gets such a widespread reform accomplished.

    I want to agree that oil harvested here should stay here in this country, but then again, you have to restrict free enterprise then. Americans don't know how good they have it and they don't want to pay for it, so maybe suppliers ought to be able to get more for it elsewhere if they can find willing buyers.

    As far as this tax breaks for the rich stuff goes, now that really IS the same old tired rhetoric. I'm sorry, but it shows a lack of understanding of basic economics and when someone says it, the last thing I'm going to do is put much faith in their rants against "big oil".

  14. #14
    I seem to remember an article I read a couple of twenty years ago (Damn...I am showing my age again)
    There was a gentleman back in 1908 (I beleive) who had invented and patented a carburator for the new fangled gasoline motor which could give the user about 80 miles per gallon. It did not matter how big or small the engine was it still gave 80 mpg.
    Well...somehow the oil companies got hold of this guy and the carb(or the patent) has never been heard from again.
    Who was in control of the world then...and who is right now?

  15. #15
    Member Since
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    '01 EBONY 1330 r.i.p. now '01 PROTON 0987
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heraclid

    I'm all for not relying on foreign oil. I'm even for not using our own oil resources if the alternative is made practical AND just as good or better. But it will not happen overnight, folks. And most of the folks who are against drilling for more oil (which will NOT destroy the environment) aren't likely to be for a smarter alternative either, if you catch my drift. Especially if some prominent conservative eventually comes along and gets such a widespread reform accomplished.

    I want to agree that oil harvested here should stay here in this country, but then again, you have to restrict free enterprise then. Americans don't know how good they have it and they don't want to pay for it, so maybe suppliers ought to be able to get more for it elsewhere if they can find willing buyers.

    As far as this tax breaks for the rich stuff goes, now that really IS the same old tired rhetoric. I'm sorry, but it shows a lack of understanding of basic economics and when someone says it, the last thing I'm going to do is put much faith in their rants against "big oil".

    The oil companies should have to keep it here if any funding for their projects come from taxpayer dollars.

    I understand basic economics well enough to remember how the last "trickle down" and "rising tide lifts all boats" helped the middle and lower classes. And how when you're super rich, being broke means you only have multi-million $ estates in 3 different countries...all equipped with $5000 shower curtains.... you can't possibly afford to pay any government fines or penalties.
    Last edited by SGT.BATGUANO : 03/05/2005 at 09:46 PM

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