Quote Originally Posted by Tone
I find it a little odd that these guys building this are here in Austin and have yet to contact me nor responded to any emails I have sent them. VXKing?

Cool... I was wondering if there were some other members of VehiCROSS.info here in Austin. I guess there are... Sorry if I haven't had time to peruse all the photo galleries, etc. to see who is in Austin and who isn't. Would be glad to show you our robot sometime... Send me an email and we'd be glad to show you what we've done... send me an email to "my first name" followed by the "at" sign, followed by the town we live in, which is "austin" followed by what we are building, which is a "robot", followed by a period, followed by the first three letters of the word "commercial". It's a bummer, but ever since we published our address in some online resources we've been getting hit by spam... that's the sad reality of the online world.

