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Thread: VX Accident!

  1. #31
    Member Since
    Nov 2002
    1999,Astral Silver,0889
    Thanked: 0
    thanks alot everyone. Well they called me back and told that they had someone down the block coming to pick it up and noticed me changing the rims. They said that the offer they gave me was for the truck as is with nothing being removed. I told them that I was putting the factory wheels that my vx came with. They also told me that the tow truck driver did a quick inspection of the vehicle and noticed it had a audio/video sysytem and that the price they qouted also included that so if I wanted anything out of my vx they would deduct it from the price. I laughed and said ok are you sure that's what you wanna do? She said yes as is or deductions will be made. I gave her my lawyers number and told her that her talking to me is over for her to deal with my lawyer. Now it all about sit and wait. Oh if I wanted to buy my VX back it will be $10,225. Yeah right, ok no problem you I give it to her in large or small bills. I have alot of monopoly cash stashed in my closet collecting dust. The adjuster never looked inside from what my wife told me.He told her not to worry he'll give them a detailed report. the saga continues.

    Tony "TDAWG" Rodriguez
    99 Astral Silver 0889

  2. #32
    Member Since
    Feb 2003
    '76 IH Scout II Tubed, 40"s, locked, etc
    Thanked: 0


    they have been smoking crack with BLING BLING off of Bumb Fights!!! Tell them your buy back price will be half of what they are telling you($10,225.)
    Tell them to bust out their crack pipe and smoke their teethe.

  3. #33
    Member Since
    Jul 2003
    Thanked: 0
    It's been awhile - but I think the buyback price I got on a totalled vehicle was like 10% of what they gave me for it - certainly not the entire amount they give you - Spazz is right, they're on crack!!
    "If you're not living on the edge --- you're taking up too much space!!"

  4. #34
    Typical Insurance swindle Tony.
    All they care about is their bottom line...the less they have to spend (and screw someone over) the better they look.

  5. #35
    Member Since
    Nov 2002
    1999,Astral Silver,0889
    Thanked: 0
    well as of 10 minutes ago my lawyer called me and asked if everything was all set? I'm like whatcha mean? He tells me that they called him and for me to take what's mine write a list of what I'm leaving and faxed them a copy so they would know it's all set. I told him I'm waiting for a phone call from them. he says ok let me know when they call and what they say, I say ok. No sooner that hang up the phone and it rings. They tell me ok take what's not factory and that they would like a copy and pictures of everything. I say ok then they say that the price will remain the same. I ask which price? The $10,225 she says that the price will be $9.450.00 which is the best they can do. So now I am taking everything out and left without a VX and not even enough to buy another 1 without hitting up my house/moving/mods savings. I told my wife when this is all done we are out of RI for good. God Rhode Island sucks.

  6. #36
    Jesus H....
    They are willing to pay you $9,450.00 and total the VX....Why don't they spend that money to fix her up ??????
    Probably should cost them a lot less, what do you think ????
    Talk to your lawyer Tony, tell him to call the insurance people and have the car fixed for that price.
    It sure beats having to look for another VX since you have so much invested in that one.
    Just my 2 cents......John

  7. #37
    Member Since
    Aug 2003
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    yea i agree with everyone else(lol hopping on teh bandwagon)im sure u can get it repaired for tat price....take a look at my vx after some f150 sideswipe me at 40mph....mine looked MUCH worst. it costed my insurance 8272.32.

    and the buyback price sounds way off to me. usually u could buy back a salvaged car for much less then wat they paid u for. my friend just recently wrecked a 93 rx7 which is worth about 13,000. buy back was 2300 dollars.

  8. #38
    Member Since
    Sep 2002
    '01 EBONY 1330 r.i.p. now '01 PROTON 0987
    Thanked: 0
    Def hosin' ya on the buyback. Should be around/ < $3k on a 9k total.

    Try googling total loss scheme, if I remember correctly that may yield info on how farmers and other ins. companies benefit by totalling cars that can be fixed.

    I'm sure your atty. had a cakewalk stompin' them, because they generally don't cover mods unless you specifically notify them and re write the policy and pay a higher premium. That's why , when you have damage or theft to mods they typically won't cover replacement. Usually they cover cost to bring the car to stock specs and make it sellable on a legit, name brand dealer lot.

    They make their profit by trying to minimize payouts. Ever see their corporate offices and beautiful lobbies/ artwork/ landscaping?

    But, always looking for the gov't to bail them out at the first sign of trouble, and usually get it. Very influential lobbyists.

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