I have a quick question...

Yesterday i went to a vinyard to do a little rock crawling and have some fun. So i tried out my 4-wheel low even though it wasnt nessisary. So when i was done I took it out of 4-wheel low, put it in reverse and backed up 10 feet(someone told me this releases the gears? it works on my jeep) and drove again, but when i started to drive, it still drove like it was in 4 wheel low, and by that i mean, when i would turn sharpe the steering would fight me, you could hear the whining noise from lower gear, ect.)

So anyways, I drove it straight for a while and the noticed it stopped eventually.

So is there a more effective way for me to disangage the 4-wheel low and the gears or did i do something wrong? Thanks to any that can help.