hello folks...

I've got good and bad news. Bad news... just got laid off about a minute ago from my job. Turns out that the company will be "outsourcing" their design services from overseas and therefore don't need me anymore. So, I'm out, again, in the unemployment arena.

Good news, I'll be able to concentrate more time now to finish up the back-ordered parts that people have been patiently waiting for.

I apologize to everyone and anyone who have been kept out of the loop lately regarding their e-mails and status of their orders. I've been under a tremendous amount of pressure from this job in the past 4 months which diverted my needed attention from my family as well as VXC. I was literally working day by day and waiting til they "pulled the trigger" as I kept denying the reality of the inevitable outcome.

With this new development, I've come to realize that the BS and stress my family and I endured for a while was just not worth it and am thankful that they had done it rather than me going postal. Now, I'm faced with the reality of paying a mortgage, feeding a family, paying bills and expecting another addition to the family by winter.

As much as I regret, I will be resorting to selling my 20" street wheels along with any other VX related items that I can find and may consider selling the VX, as it would be one less monthly bill to pay.

I know that I may be thinking illogically at this time when it comes to considering ridding the VX. But, I must consider ALL possible alternatives if things don't work out soon. VXC will not be an exception either.

My next step is getting pre-paid parts out to people. I've managed to neglect that side of the business and piss people off for which I'm sorry for. Once all delivered, I will be making carrying out drastic decisions starting with the wheels.

I can only hope that you all understand and can empathise with my situation if worse comes to worse and that things will get better before they get worse. Until next time...