Alright it is that time again. Every one is welcome to join us in sunny Arizona for a weekend of 4-wheeling and camping VX style. This is an overnighter so bring your camping suplies. The temp should be mid 70's-mid 80's during the day and upper 60's-low 70's at night. For those that don't want to go off road but want to make a day trip and hang out for a few hours and get a bite to eat we will be meeting up and hanging out prior to the trail. So here is all the vital info...

WHAT Arizona Fall VX Gathering II

WHEN Sat. Oct.1 and Sun. Oct. 2 Meet at 10:00AM

WHERE Superior, Arizona...Meet at the Worlds Smallest Museum 1111 W. US Hwy 60
We will spend a few hours here hanging out and getting a bite to eat. Superior is a very small town. There is a cafe at the museum site (or we can find another place in town if everyone wants-I'll bring a list of all 5 eating places available). For those not wanting to go wheeling there is some scenic driving through the hills, areas where you can hike and climb or maybe we will talk you into giving the trail a go!
The main trail will be Hackberry Creek. This is a 3-3.5 rated trail that stock VX's will do fine on. I will also try and come up with a few more trails or we can just do some exploring.

WHY Do we really need a reason?

WHO Everyone...come and join us!

If you plan on coming lets here from you!
If you have any ??? or need more info let me know.
Here is a link to a past trip on the trail with pictures.