My wife and I (Triathlete) arrived at the Worlds Smallest Musuem at 9:30 am after cruising up from Tucson With Jeff (TucsonVX). Hung out till the whole gang arrived...Bob (VXCaver), Victor (VCamilo) and Sara, and all the way from New York Val (impalerv)!
After eatting some good food from the Buckboard City Cafe we checked out the musuem and the waterfall avenue. Some pretty creative use of "stuff" to make some waterfalls! About 11:00 we all mounted our mighty VX's and rolled out of town in search of the trail head. We hit the trail and soon found that the summer rain (which apparently was quite heavy this year) had made the trail a "LITTLE" tougher than I remember it being last year! We slowly mae our way through one obstacle after another. One in particular had a few wanting to have a trail leader linching! Val had got a little stuck when some jeep people showed up. They told us that we might want to turn around becausethe trail just keeps getting worse.It must be a jeep thing! With there creative help we got Val over the obstacle and moved out of the way to let the jeepers go through (they were going down we were going up...apparently we were doing it the harder way). At this point we also found that a Mohave Green Rattlesnake, the most venomous type in Arizona, had been hanging out in VERY close proximity to where we had been standing. He apparently wanted to cross the trail there and we were in his way...rattles blasting we got the point! We decided to walk the trail a bit and make a group decision as to weather the trail was going to be too hard...after all we were in VX's not wimpy jeeps! Okay so those highly modified and built jeeps were far from wimpy! We didn't see anything that looked like it was going to keep us from going forward so we decided to go for it. We trudged along to the top of Hackberry Creek and decided to set up camp there. It took us as long to get to this point (about 1/2 way) as it did for us to do the whole trail last year. Val didn't relize we were going to camp but his fellow VX'ers had enough food to share, an extra blanket and we taught him a new (to him) way to make his VX into a somewhat comfy bed...back seats folded down flat. At a bit over 6 foot it wasn't the best but it got the job done. We sat around and shared some stories then got some sleep. Couldn't have asked for better sleep weather. Woke up ate some camp breakfast, took some pics then packed up camp. Once on the trail we found that the tough parts weren't completely behind us yet. We slowly crept along the trail and with some creative driving and at some points a little gas pedal made our way to the end of the trail. No serious damage was sustained by anyone other than a few new dents in the skid plates and some new Arizona pin stripes complements of the very over grown (yep, lots of rain causes this also) brush. After airing up we headed back into town and got some pizza...Thank You Very Much Val for picking up the tab! We then said our goodbyes...Val, Victor and Sara then headed off towards Phoenix and Me, Bob, and Jeff caravaned back to Tucson. Thats my story and I'm sticking too it no matter what the others say
Pics will be up soon.

I'll let Bob tell the story of how he got lost on the road on the way to the pizza place!

I hope everyone had a good time...and I didn't scare anyone away from the next trip!