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Thread: 200,000 Miles

  1. #1
    Member Since
    Jun 2002
    '01 Proton #
    Thanked: 0

    200,000 Miles

    I made it!!! Even though I have been flying my Glasair SIIS-RG lately more than driving my VX. And now I am moving to Pagosa Springs, Colorado from south Florida for my retirement. I made the retirement threshold at age 50 and now need to find myself in the San Juan mountains. Any VX's in the area? You guys are fantastic!


    PS: I'm looking for a newer, lower mileage VX for the next chapter.
    Happy Flying!


  2. #2
    Member Since
    Jun 2002
    1999,White,Iron Man,1429
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    Well, from there on down it just wasn't real purdy: it was hairpin county and switchback city. One of 'em looked like a can full'a worms; another one looked like malaria germs. Right in the middle of the whole damn show was a real nice tunnel, now wouldn't you know?

    Sign says clearance to the twelve-foot line, but the chickens was stacked to thirteen-nine. Well we shot that tunnel at a hundred-and-ten, like gas through a funnel and eggs through a hen, and we took that top row of chickens off slicker than scum off a Lousiana swamp. Went down and around and around and down 'til we run outta ground at the edge of town. Bashed into the side of the feed store… in downtown Pagosa Springs.

    Next summer after the snow melts and when you get settled post up a run and we will be there with CW McCall on the speakers.

  3. #3
    Member Since
    Jun 2002
    1999,White,Iron Man,1429
    Thanked: 0
    Had to include this. One of my favorite trails. Love the San Juans and CW McCall

    CW's perspective

    Me an' RJ an' the kids was on a camp-out in the mountains, and we had us one'a them U-Drive-'Em Army Jeep cars which we rented from a fella by the name of Kubozke for thirty bucks a day, buy your gas along the way, take a rabbit's foot and leave a pint of blood for a dee-posit.

    And he 'splained it all to us how we was supposed to get to Telluride, which is fifty miles away by way of the regular highway, however, there was a shortcut but unless we had drove the Black Bear Road before, we'd better be off to stay, stay in bed and sleep late. (Pay no attention to the gitar there.)

    Well, we took up off'n the highway and we come upon a sign says "Black Bear Road. You don't have to be crazy to drive this road, but it helps." I says, "RJ, this must the shortcut road Kubozke was talkin' about." She didn't pay no mind, 'cause she was makin' peanut butter sandwiches for the kids in the back seat throwin' rocks and drinkin' Kool-Aid and playin' count-the-license-plates. But they wasn't havin' too much fun a-countin' license plate or cars, 'cause there weren't no other cars.

    We went about a mile-and-a-half in about four hours, busted off the right front fender, tore a hole in the oil pan on a rock as big as a hall closet. Went over a bump and spilt the Kool-Aid and Roy Gene stuck his bolo knife right through the convertible top and the dog threw up all over the back seat. Peanut butter don't agree with him, you see.

    So we had to stop and take off the top and air everything out and clean it up. The dog run off and RJ says she felt her asthma comin' on. I was sittin' there wonderin' what to do when the en-tire Scenic San Joo-wan U-Drive-'Em Army Jeep car sank in the mud. At thirteen thousand feet above sea level.

    Well, we shoveled it out and ate our lunch, the dog made a yellow hole in the snow and Roy Gene got out his Instamatic and took a snapshot of it. Mary Elizabeth drawed a picture of the road; it looked like a whole bunch a' Zs and Ws all strung together. And RJ took one look at it and said that the only way that Jeep car is goin' down that road is over her dead body. Then a rock slipped out from under the wheel and the U-Drive-'Em Army Jeep car went right over the edge of the cliff. Yahoo-oo-oo-oo!

    "Doggone-it, Roy Gene! How many times do I have to 'splain it to you? When I tell you to put a rock under the wheel, I mean rock! Now look at that, what you have there is no bigger'n a grapefruit."

  4. #4
    Member Since
    Jul 2005
    Former 00' Kaiser #0804, 98 White 4Runner SR5
    Thanked: 0
    yea there is about 5 or 6 registered on the site as far as i know. in colorado

  5. #5
    Member Since
    Jun 2002
    Former owner of '01 Ebony #0739
    Thanked: 5

    Thumbs up from?!?

    Quote Originally Posted by Randy I am moving to Pagosa Springs, Colorado from south Florida for my retirement...
    I thought the law stated you had to move TO Florida upon retiring... right?
    The only thing we have to fear is fear itself... and zombies.

    My VehiCROSS

  6. #6
    Member Since
    Apr 2004
    2000, Ebony, VX, 0370
    Thanked: 12
    Welcome to the Colorado family. pdkid is right, there are a few of us here in Colorado. I'm over in the Aspen area, but I know 4 or 5 are over near Denver. I've also seen two others in this valley that aren't on the site, so I'll be trying to convert them soon.
    Let us know when you get here and we can all get together.
    "The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong, it usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair."
    -Douglas Adams, Mostly Harmless

  7. #7
    Member Since
    Jun 2002
    '01 Proton #
    Thanked: 0
    I am flying out to close on our house on November 10th. I hope to get the wheels in motion (VehiCross, 350Z convertible, XJS convertible, and Glasair) pronto for January 1st arrival. I'm going to sell my boat - will buy other toys in Pagosa.

    I'm excited about a change of pace and some cooler weather.


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