We go out all the time. Our local group, Trailseekers, has our own yahoo egroups that we plan trips on Trailseekers egroups.
To answer your root question, no there is nothing in town or anywhere closer than:
Left Hand Canyon/Carnage North of Boulder,
Spring Creek up the I-70 corridor @ Downieville,
Slaughterhouse Gulch up the US-285 corridor.
I am certain that things can be found in and around town, but that does not mesh with our group mantra of Tread Lightly! and leave it better than you found it. Not only that, but we do not and will not tresspass on private property.
We have all got to commit to being responsible four wheelers and off highway recreationists, or face the consequences of losing our trails.
What's so bad about a day trip?
I think we may be gearing up to head down to Buena Vista to run Old Chinamans Gulch, a KILLER fun trail for a Moab 'Zu Zoo shakedown run in the next week or two, may even go for our annual Easter 'Zu run.
So, where in SE Aurora are you located? I live off of Iliff and Tower.
Not only do we go wheelin together as a group, we hang out a lot, playing games, having dinner, celebating birthdays, performing mods, go carting, ice racing, etc. Really more of a family than a wheelin group. Why dont you give me a call or something and let me know if I can help you out in any other way.
Take care,
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.