LOL you people crack me up.
Ok I am not saying I know everything because I dont. For starters reason why (course being read and heard) that not all xbox games will be backward compatable because the 2 systems being xbox and 360 house diff video cards and they have tro pay royalties to other party which ends up costing MS more money.
Now about one system being better than the other. I guess it depends on your prefence. I love all 3. Why you ask because they are diff, yes graphics are better on xbox games than ps and GC but I have seen ps2 games i.e God of war have waay better graphics than most xobx games and well is sad but a lil game on GC called RE4 blows most of the games ps2 and xbox away. No havent played Re4 just seen from afar. You cant really say these graphics are good sure with right set up they will be good but and correct me if i am wrong developers usually dotn get the full potential of the console until years after its released. Even more so when the company comes out with a new system. So choose what you choose but dont act like a fanboy down playing the rest.
As far as the revolution... Well as nintendo says we are ok with being 3rd we are more about innovation than sales. ya thats pretty smart to me why waste money trying to be #1 when u make just as much being #3.
Ya cant wait for all 3 to come out myself but may have to go the whole buy one and ebay it to help pay for my own unless a certain someone <cough> wormgod can hook me up with his discount
edit:: oh ya and as for sony loading crap on ppls pc u cant hold that against SCEA 2 diff things I am sure icrosoft and ninetendo have done same thing, Oh and so not to leave out sega will blame them to because i know they have done something wrong.
"It's not sexual harassment, I am just building up your tolerence"-Dumke