And I am that idiot! Oh, I am so mad at myself. We have had standard transmissions for so long, I had no clue that I had to flush the VX tranny every 30k or so miles and as far as I know, it was never done, not even one time in 105,500 miles!!! (I heard your collective gasp! And now I can hear you all discussiong how I should be banned from this website and my VX should be taken from me and my hands should be slapped. Hard!) I don't know how many times I have taken my truck in (to various places we trusted) to have it serviced, handed the tech the owner's manual open to the page of listed items to be done at x number of miles, but apparently, no one else saw "Flush transmission" on that list - ever! Now Isuzu tells me the transmission is clanking because it's ruined and I need a new one. Can somebody please help me and tell me what to do and where to go - I heard that!