I had my ADR hearing Friday to try to resolve the insurance claim before a jury would hear the case.
For those that dont know or dont remember, THIS is what happened many years ago. The driver at fault was DOA, had state issued insurance (high risk driver), and was in the US on bad paperwork. So, that complicated things a lot and dragged this whole thing on for 4 years.
Anyways, Friday, I saw closure. Nothing to bring back my proper leg use and allow me to play sports again, but at least the monkey is off of my back. After 4 hours of pushing and shoving with words and paper, I settled on $85k and called it quits. I had a $100k max on the policy and considering court would cost roughly $10k and lost wages from court would run another few K, I would risk losing more in court. It was a no win situation really, but then again, it's blood money and blood money is never a winning situation.
So, now the old Dragon Green from the accident can rest in peace knowing she saved my arse and that the whole legal situation is over.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!RIP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!