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Thread: Washing your engine -- how to avoid short circuiting the battery?

  1. #1

    Question Washing your engine -- how to avoid short circuiting the battery?

    OK, it might seem like a silly question, but I've never washed an engine. I know of us do that, and I was just wondering what everyone else does to keep from short-circuiting the battery. One would think that if spray got a liquid path between the two battery terminals, that a full short-circuit would occur and result in some unpleasant experience for vehicle and owner. Or maybe I don't understand how batteries work when they get wet. In any case, I can't imagine how it would be possible for a normal person to avoid getting the battery wet unless they wrapped it in a trash bag.
    Last edited by Grant Eaton : 04/13/2003 at 09:28 AM
    2000 Proton Yellow #756
    "THE UFO"
    Seattle, Washington

  2. #2
    Member Since
    Jun 2002
    2001 Proton VX 0790
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    There isn't enough voltage at the battery to pass any signifigant current through the water. Don't worry about getting it wet.

    I warm the engine slightly first, not fully hot, then spray foamy engine cleaner, mostly on the valve covers and intake. Any really dirty parts I scrub with a toothbrush. rinse it off, and start the engine immediatly to drive off any remaining moisture. Once dry wax any painted surfaces.

    John C.

  3. #3
    Member Since
    Jun 2002
    2001, Proton Yellow, #0580
    Thanked: 5
    I soak down the engine compartment with Simple Green after wrapping the cone filter in a couple of plastic grocery bags (use a rubberband to hold them on).

    Let set for 5 minutes.

    Wash off with high pressure spayer. Remove bag and wipe down surfaces. I then use the same rag I used to apply cladding gel to wipe down all the surfaces. It goes quick and cleans up pretty good.

    I do this about once every 2 months (I don't off-road, so it's not like a lot of mud and gunk gets in there... just road grime).

    -- John
    John Eaton
    Original Owner
    2001 Proton Yellow #580
    Atlanta GA

    "Metaphors be with you"

  4. #4
    Member Since
    May 2002
    2000, Proton Yellow, VX, 0584
    Thanked: 10
    In vehicle recovery, I've seen cars with their headlights on and all working while fully submerged... There are other parts that you need to worry more about getting wet.. The recommendations above work well.. I'm known to use a feather duster to collect dust from my engine in between washings...
    Scott /

  5. #5
    Member Since
    Jun 2002
    2001 Proton VX 0790
    Thanked: 0
    Simple Green will eat aluminum if left on, so be careful with it, especially on polished surfaces.

    John C.

  6. #6
    Member Since
    Jun 2002
    2000 Ebony VX #263 ****** VX-2 My weekend car
    Thanked: 7
    I think that I would pay money to see that..

    John with a toothbrush and Scott with a featherduster..

    2000 Ebony #263
    Original Owner- love her too much to part with her.

  7. #7
    Member Since
    Jun 2002
    1999, Ebony, VX, #1679
    Thanked: 3


    Engine washing? Hell I still haven't even washed the outside of the VX since the last off-road trip (3 weeks)! You guys should come to my place and demonstrate on my VX how to properly do this. Yeah I know, I'm a hell of a guy for volunteering my VX as a wash test subject. But, what the heck, we're all like family here! And the weather is perfect!
    Billy Oliver
    My Sponsors:
    Accelerate3Coaching (PM me for 1 time use 20% off code)

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