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Thread: The Obscure, Unusual, or just plain BAD Movie Thread

  1. #46
    Member Since
    Jan 2003
    2000, Black VX #0754
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    Quote Originally Posted by HotFlyer
    Best Movie. One Word "BLADERUNNER"
    I second that.

    When I was little I didn't understand it, but it is by far my favorite film now.

    It is based upon the 1968 science fiction novel "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" by Philip K. Dick. I found the novel online and loved it. It brings more light to the movie.

  2. #47
    Member Since
    May 2006
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    Yeah, I hear that a lot from people (that they didn't understand it). That is why I always suggest the theatrical release first, before the director's cut. I find that I prefer the cut with Deckard's voice over, because it does help with understanding the concept. But, once you understand it, the director's cut is actually better in some ways because it leaves more to the imagination, but unfortunately a lot of the violence is missing in the current DVD release of the director's cut. The real problem with the Blade Runner DVD releases though, is that a TRUE director's cut with ALL the footage has yet to be released. Supposedly, we are to see this released sometime this year, as a 25th anniversary edition...

    This site has a lot of good info: BRMOVIE


    PS - If this DVD gets released, I will by a 62" Wide Screen HDTV and christen it with Blade Runner

    Quote Originally Posted by JAFO
    I second that.

    When I was little I didn't understand it, but it is by far my favorite film now.

    It is based upon the 1968 science fiction novel "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" by Philip K. Dick. I found the novel online and loved it. It brings more light to the movie.
    Last edited by nfpgasmask : 03/30/2007 at 02:22 PM Reason: sp

  3. #48
    Member Since
    Feb 2003
    2001, Black, VX, 0781
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    Best psychological horror film of all time - A Tale of Two Sisters - it is korean, but you can find the unrated cut at most Wal-marts.
    You will have to be man enough to read subtitles.

    Best revenge story (way better than the kill bills) is OldBoy. Also Korean, probably available at most Blockbuster and Hollywood Video stores.

    Oldboy is part of a trilogy of revenge movies, each a seperate story.
    The other two Lady Vengeance, and Sympathy for Mr Vengeance are almost as good, just less action. Lady Vengeance is the penultimate of "Revenge is a dish best served cold."

    Then on the fun side, I really like the Japanese flick Survive Style 5+.
    It is one of those movies with multiple plotlines that all intersect at one point or another.
    Here's the plot summary from IMDB:
    A man continually trying and failing to get his wife to stay dead; a self-absorbed ad agency creative director who comes up with one unworkably inane idea after another; an Australian hitman who only wants to know everyone's function in life; and an unfortunate office worker and father whose brain is left scrambled after a stage hypnotist is murdered in mid-performance. Starting off as unrelated plot lines, they intertwine with each other as they continue on their respective ways.

    Unfortunately Survive Style 5+ has not had a US release yet, so either download it off the net, import the $50(!!!) edition from Japan or buy a bootleg from Ebay.

  4. #49
    Member Since
    May 2006
    Thanked: 2
    Cool, it seems you like Asian cinema also! Old Boy is fantastic, I have seen the other two in the revenge series also, they are both decent but Old Boy is the best.

    I have A Tale of Two Sisters in my que, I should move it up. If you like this type of stuff, check out 301/302, Kamikaze Girls , and Last Life In The Universe just to name a few I liked...


    Quote Originally Posted by WyrreJ
    Best psychological horror film of all time - A Tale of Two Sisters - it is korean, but you can find the unrated cut at most Wal-marts.
    You will have to be man enough to read subtitles.

    Best revenge story (way better than the kill bills) is OldBoy. Also Korean, probably available at most Blockbuster and Hollywood Video stores.

    Oldboy is part of a trilogy of revenge movies, each a seperate story.
    The other two Lady Vengeance, and Sympathy for Mr Vengeance are almost as good, just less action. Lady Vengeance is the penultimate of "Revenge is a dish best served cold."

    Then on the fun side, I really like the Japanese flick Survive Style 5+.
    It is one of those movies with multiple plotlines that all intersect at one point or another.
    Here's the plot summary from IMDB:
    A man continually trying and failing to get his wife to stay dead; a self-absorbed ad agency creative director who comes up with one unworkably inane idea after another; an Australian hitman who only wants to know everyone's function in life; and an unfortunate office worker and father whose brain is left scrambled after a stage hypnotist is murdered in mid-performance. Starting off as unrelated plot lines, they intertwine with each other as they continue on their respective ways.

    Unfortunately Survive Style 5+ has not had a US release yet, so either download it off the net, import the $50(!!!) edition from Japan or buy a bootleg from Ebay.

  5. #50
    Member Since
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    Suicide Club...bad

  6. #51
    Member Since
    May 2006
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    Well, I wouldn't go so far as to say it was bad, but it certainly was not that great or anything. Interesting concept, but...

    And on the movie note, I just saw 300....all I can say is "WOW".


    Quote Originally Posted by Ldub
    Suicide Club...bad

  7. #52
    Member Since
    Feb 2003
    2001, Black, VX, 0781
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    300 is so gay. All those half-naked men with body-waxes and sculpted physiques running around and flexing during the entire movie. Totally gay. Which cracks me up considering the target demographic for the movie is males teenage and 18-30, most of whom would swear off the movie if they realized what was staring them in the face. My 18-year old nephew who is gung-ho to join the marines after graduation almost suffered a head implosion when the imagery was pointed out to him.

    I do watch a lot of asian movies - South Korea has had an amazing renaissance over the last decade (I attribute it to finally achieving true democracy in the mid-80s or so). My favorite movie of all time, is the Korean Oasis which is probably the most powerful love story that I've seen (although Lars Von Trier's Breaking the Waves is more intense, but ends without any opportunity for hope, unlike Oasis which I saw as a very hopeful film). A total 180 from either of those is the super-fun romantic comedy that just about everybody in Asia has seen or at least heard of My Sassy Girl. Also Spy Girl which is hilarious and does a good job (intentional or not) of showing how South Korea is like America (McDonalds and mega-malls) and how it is not like America (particularly how the north-south division affects everything at some level or another) - plus the female lead is one of the most gorgeous women I have ever seen.

    I really liked Kamikaze Girls - partly because the colors were all super-saturated and it just looked fantastic on my 100" wide screen. I am a sucker for pretty pictures. A much quieter and less visually in your face movie from Japan that is vaguely similar, but I thought funnier, is Hana and Alice about two girls with a crush on one guy, when one of the girls sees the guy hit his head and pass out, she pretends she is his girlfriend and that he must have amnesia since he does not remember. Both girls go through some elaborate efforts to keep up the charade.

    I liked "Last Life in the Universe" - I think Thailand has some real cinematic potential, although that specific director went to film school in NYC. He did a really funny action-murder-comedy called 6ixtynin9 the story is all about a woman who lives in apartment 6, but the number on the door keeps falling over to look like a 9 causing her to be mistaken for someone from the local mafia.

    Some other fun Thai films are Citizen Dog which is about a country bumpkin who goes to live in Bangkok and has a bunch of surreal experiences in his quest for love and his place in life, very colorful. Bangkok Loco is about a drummer in a local rock band who has to fight the forces of evil, it is sort of a Thai "Kung-Fu Hustle" but 10x more surreal, also very colorful and the (region-3) DVD looks almost like hi-def. A good horror movie that has made it to the US and I think is even getting a US remake is Shutter - about a photographer who accidentally (or maybe not) gets ghosts showing up in the pictures he takes. Then there is the hilarious zombie movie SARS Wars.

    And just to round this post out with a non-asian film, check out the French Atomik Circus which stars Jonny Depp's wife - Vanessa Paradis. It is an alien invasion movie sort of on the level of Slither, but with its own hyper-kinetic craziness.

  8. #53
    Member Since
    May 2006
    Thanked: 2
    Wow, that's hilarious that you thought 300 was "gay". I didn't catch a single gay vibe from the whole movie. It sounds more like (no offense) you might be a little homophobic?

    What I liked about 300 was the way it was filmed, edited and put together with the f/x. It was a stunningly visual film. So if you are a sucker for pretty pictures, I just can't see how you didn't at least appreciate this film. And don't forget, this was a film based on a comic, and if memory serves me right from all the comic book reading I did, most of the comic heroes were ripped, ultra-muscular men in tights.

    But anyway, enough of that, I don't want to start some sort of gay or not gay debate.

    I agree on the S. Korean revival. They have been churning out some of the most original films I have seen in recent years. I enjoy alot of Chinese and Japanese stuff as well, but the S. Korean stuff really is a breath of fresh air.

    I will certainly check out some of the films you mentioned below that I have yet to see!



    Quote Originally Posted by WyrreJ
    300 is so gay. All those half-naked men with body-waxes and sculpted physiques running around and flexing during the entire movie. Totally gay. Which cracks me up considering the target demographic for the movie is males teenage and 18-30, most of whom would swear off the movie if they realized what was staring them in the face. My 18-year old nephew who is gung-ho to join the marines after graduation almost suffered a head implosion when the imagery was pointed out to him.

    I do watch a lot of asian movies - South Korea has had an amazing renaissance over the last decade (I attribute it to finally achieving true democracy in the mid-80s or so). My favorite movie of all time, is the Korean Oasis which is probably the most powerful love story that I've seen (although Lars Von Trier's Breaking the Waves is more intense, but ends without any opportunity for hope, unlike Oasis which I saw as a very hopeful film). A total 180 from either of those is the super-fun romantic comedy that just about everybody in Asia has seen or at least heard of My Sassy Girl. Also Spy Girl which is hilarious and does a good job (intentional or not) of showing how South Korea is like America (McDonalds and mega-malls) and how it is not like America (particularly how the north-south division affects everything at some level or another) - plus the female lead is one of the most gorgeous women I have ever seen.

    I really liked Kamikaze Girls - partly because the colors were all super-saturated and it just looked fantastic on my 100" wide screen. I am a sucker for pretty pictures. A much quieter and less visually in your face movie from Japan that is vaguely similar, but I thought funnier, is Hana and Alice about two girls with a crush on one guy, when one of the girls sees the guy hit his head and pass out, she pretends she is his girlfriend and that he must have amnesia since he does not remember. Both girls go through some elaborate efforts to keep up the charade.

    I liked "Last Life in the Universe" - I think Thailand has some real cinematic potential, although that specific director went to film school in NYC. He did a really funny action-murder-comedy called 6ixtynin9 the story is all about a woman who lives in apartment 6, but the number on the door keeps falling over to look like a 9 causing her to be mistaken for someone from the local mafia.

    Some other fun Thai films are Citizen Dog which is about a country bumpkin who goes to live in Bangkok and has a bunch of surreal experiences in his quest for love and his place in life, very colorful. Bangkok Loco is about a drummer in a local rock band who has to fight the forces of evil, it is sort of a Thai "Kung-Fu Hustle" but 10x more surreal, also very colorful and the (region-3) DVD looks almost like hi-def. A good horror movie that has made it to the US and I think is even getting a US remake is Shutter - about a photographer who accidentally (or maybe not) gets ghosts showing up in the pictures he takes. Then there is the hilarious zombie movie SARS Wars.

    And just to round this post out with a non-asian film, check out the French Atomik Circus which stars Jonny Depp's wife - Vanessa Paradis. It is an alien invasion movie sort of on the level of Slither, but with its own hyper-kinetic craziness.

  9. #54
    Member Since
    Feb 2003
    2001, Black, VX, 0781
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    Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying 300 sucks - when I said "it's so gay" I meant it literally, not in the derogatory sense. All of my gay friends loved it, just not always for the same reasons my straight friends did.

    But, speaking of gay movies, check out Bungee Jumping of their Own its a Korean romance where the wife dies and is reincarnated as a male. Eighteen years later the husband has remarried and has a job as a teacher. The reincarnated wife shows up as one of his pupils and it goes from there. The name of the movie won't make sense until the very last 5 seconds, so pay close attention. I liked this one so much that I hunted down the OOP limited edition and paid $30 for it because there was no in-print edition at the time. Six months later, it was back in print in a regular edition for $10.

  10. #55
    Member Since
    May 2006
    Thanked: 2
    LOL, That's funny, I mean, I think 300 could appeal to the gay audience in the way that you are saying, sure, but I guess I just took your previous comment as if you were saying the movie was meant to be a gay flick. From my point of view, most films show sexy women, naked or just about, all the time, so it really wasn't big deal to show a bunch of buff dudes wearing nothing but some black briefs with red capes. It was just the aethstetic film, imho.

    But you're right, I'm sure the gay audience loved it for that reason!

    I'll check out Bungee Jumping of their Own too...


    Quote Originally Posted by WyrreJ
    Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying 300 sucks - when I said "it's so gay" I meant it literally, not in the derogatory sense. All of my gay friends loved it, just not always for the same reasons my straight friends did.

    But, speaking of gay movies, check out Bungee Jumping of their Own its a Korean romance where the wife dies and is reincarnated as a male. Eighteen years later the husband has remarried and has a job as a teacher. The reincarnated wife shows up as one of his pupils and it goes from there. The name of the movie won't make sense until the very last 5 seconds, so pay close attention. I liked this one so much that I hunted down the OOP limited edition and paid $30 for it because there was no in-print edition at the time. Six months later, it was back in print in a regular edition for $10.

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