I just spent all weekend (and much skin from my knuckles) installing the rear door popper on the VX and the goofy thing doesn't want to work. I hooked it up to a stock "Door Release" switch in the dash and I can't quite figure out what I might have done wrong.

I wired the pin switch per Tone's instructions, so the interior light comes on just fine when the rear door is opened, so I'm not worried about that part. I wired the stock swith per Moncha's diagram (at least I'm pretty sure that I did) and it all seems to work fine. It lights up with the rest of the switches and dims with them too. The little red led even lights up when you press the button, but the solenoid doesn't fire.

I'm going to try and do some temporary wiring to the button that came with the kit to see if something is wrong with the switch, solenoid, or my "real" wiring in the next day, or so, but if anyone has any suggestions in the mean time let me hear them. I'm not very up to speed on car electronics, but I couldn't have done too bad of a job because the car hasn't caught fire yet.

If I can't figure it out before Moab, does anyone feel like crawling around a VX during that week to help me out?