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Thread: Could ya bring me something to the 'Zu.. Please???

  1. #1
    Member Since
    Jun 2004
    VX Adopted Out. 2005 BMW 325CI & 2006 4Runner.
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    Happy belated indeed.

    Sort of off topic, but here's the question:

    Might anybody have an extra blank VX dash button they could bring out to Zu for me? I fugged one up just yesterday finishing some dash work.'

    *MAN* Monday just can't come soon enough!!!


    He lingers -- happily -- in a new hybrid state of semi-hormonal adolescence and responsible self-reliance.


  2. #2
    Member Since
    Apr 2004
    2000, Ebony, VX, 0370
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    If you want to, the salvage yard that I went to to get the pig tails for my dash button installs is on the way from Glenwood to Junction. The Rodeo that I pulled the pig tails out of had five or six dash blanks in it. We could stop by there on Monday and pick them up.

    For that matter, does anyone else need any blanks? We could get them when we stop. There is also a T'gate Release switch in the Rodeo. Any takers?
    "The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong, it usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair."
    -Douglas Adams, Mostly Harmless

  3. #3
    Member Since
    May 2002
    2000, Proton Yellow, VX, 0584
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    I split this off for ya Bill..

    If you do go out and get those blanks, I'd take a couple!!
    Scott /

  4. #4
    Member Since
    Apr 2006
    '99 Copper Orange Mica 1499
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    I'd love that Tailgate release switch!
    VX: What your Murano dreams it could be...

  5. #5
    Member Since
    Apr 2004
    2000, Ebony, VX, 0370
    Thanked: 12

    We'll take care of both of you if the car and the parts are still there.

    Anyone else need anything?

  6. #6
    Member Since
    Apr 2006
    '99 Copper Orange Mica 1499
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    Thanks MS! Looking forward to meeting you.

  7. #7
    Member Since
    Dec 2005
    2001, Dragon Green, 1342
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    I also have a spare, just put it in my camera bag, so if others forget, just ask me if I have anything in the bag for you,... thats sounds quite rude

  8. #8
    Member Since
    Apr 2006
    '99 Copper Orange Mica 1499
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    I know this is alot to ask, but if it's not too much trouble and that Rodeo you're pulling the blanks from still has it, could you pull the entire cigarette lighter assembly? Bezel included. I would like to add a second socket to run peripheries like cell phone, cooler, laptop, etc. pigtails for it would be appreciated, too.

  9. #9
    Member Since
    May 2002
    2000, Proton Yellow, VX, 0584
    Thanked: 10
    Thanks Mark!! If it pans out, let me know and I'll figure how to get them from you..

  10. #10
    Member Since
    Dec 2005
    2001, Dragon Green, 1342
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    Power point

    Here is what I did for a extra power point. Being the worst kind on non smoking advocate there is, ex-heavy smoker with breathing problems, didn't need or want a ashtry. You could get 2 here easy, plus there is a circuit (Lights) right there to tap into, just a thought.

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