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Thread: Free Free Free Free!!!!

  1. #1
    Member Since
    Jun 2004
    VX Adopted Out. 2005 BMW 325CI & 2006 4Runner.
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    Free Free Free Free!!!!

    Ok... A little fun just for the heck of it.

    I've got this, but never use it:

    The first member to correctly post back what TV series inspired my nickname, I'll ship it to you for free - no cost. Brand new = $25. Cost if you get this right = nadda.

    Why? I'm an advocate with the national society for clean VX's. Seriously, why not. I don't use it, and it just takes up space!


    *hint* - the answer IS in another 'fun' thread on this site...
    Last edited by biju : 05/11/2006 at 05:35 PM

    He lingers -- happily -- in a new hybrid state of semi-hormonal adolescence and responsible self-reliance.


  2. #2
    Member Since
    Jun 2003
    2001, Green, VX, 0602
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    Quote Originally Posted by biju
    ... interesting thread. I like...

    Brief background: my name is bill. my father's name is also bill... now continue reading....

    The nickname 'biju' was given to me by a group of friends while watching an episode of The Simpsons. In season 4, episode 'Marge vs. The Monorail', Bart declares "dad, you're my hero". Homer replies, "Really son? Do you want to change your name to Homer, Jr? The kids could call you 'Hoju'."

    Without hesitation and almost in total synch a few in the group looked towards me and shouted, "Biju!". A nickname was born...

    I only posted this because it took me more than 5 minutes to find! Grr! Thanks for helping me pass the time while I'm waiting here for someone...
    don't hate

  3. #3
    Member Since
    Jun 2004
    VX Adopted Out. 2005 BMW 325CI & 2006 4Runner.
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    glad I could help!!!


    pm me your addy...


  4. #4
    Member Since
    May 2002
    2000, Proton Yellow, VX, 0584
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    HAHAHA! Good job on both parts!!!
    Scott /

  5. #5
    Member Since
    Jun 2004
    99 Astral Silver VX #1872 + 99 Ironman WIP
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    DANG...missed it by THAT much I was gonna guess Biju & the Bear.

  6. #6
    Member Since
    Apr 2006
    2000 dragon green 0496
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    BJ and the bear. That is showing your age.

  7. #7
    Member Since
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    99 Astral Silver VX #1872 + 99 Ironman WIP
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark B
    BJ and the bear. That is showing your age.
    Hell, that's nothin...Leave it to Beaver, the Munsters, Adams family, Get Smart, Beverly Hillbillies, and on & on were all in their first run AND in black & white when I was a kid.
    I'm glad to be closing in on 50...last I checked, the only thing in second place is a dirtnap!
    Sorry for the thread jack, but it's pretty much done for anyway.

  8. #8
    Member Since
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    1999, Ebony, 0797
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    Here in Seattle, we finally voted down our bona-fide, electrified monorail!
    (What's that? MONORAIL!)

    No, really. The city council wanted to build a huge monorail here.

    No, I'm not joking.

    Bonus points: Who WROTE that 'Monorail' episode?

  9. #9
    Member Since
    May 2006
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  10. #10
    Member Since
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    2001 Ironman
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    Quote Originally Posted by PHO2GR4
    Here in Seattle, we finally voted down our bona-fide, electrified monorail!
    (What's that? MONORAIL!)

    No, really. The city council wanted to build a huge monorail here.

    No, I'm not joking.

    Bonus points: Who WROTE that 'Monorail' episode?

    did they finally?
    i lived there from 99-03 and remember always hearing about that.
    i thought it would have been done by now.

    they still got the pink elephants there?

  11. #11
    Member Since
    Jan 2003
    1999, Ebony, 0797
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    Thumbs down

    No, after raising our vehicle registration fees to astronomic levels, then collecting stratospheric taxes for a few years, then using "eminent domain" to take away businesses and homes for the monorail stations, and after frittering away hundreds of millions of dollars.......

    .......they finally trashed the whole process. All of that time and money was wasted.

    The people who lost their businesses and homes in the land grab were given the option of buying BACK the very properties that were taken from them...but only if they paid what the government decided was the "current fair market value", which after a few years of Seattle's booming real estate market was often three times what the poor sap was given when the government took the property in the first place.

    Here's how that worked. Let's say you had a family-run business that was about 35 years old. It was doing great because of its location and loyal clientele. Then the gov't walks in and says "Hey, we've decided that this would be a great spot for a monorail station! We're shutting you down and confiscating this property. Oh, and we've decided that the property is worth, say, $350,000".

    Then, three years later, the whole Monorail project comes crapping...I mean, crashing down. Great! You can restart your family business! Only, the government will only sell you your property back for, let's call it $750,000 now. Seems fair, right?


  12. #12
    Member Since
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    2001 Ebony 0177
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    Biju and the bear???! Just choked on my beer. Silly boy

  13. #13
    Member Since
    Jun 2004
    VX Adopted Out. 2005 BMW 325CI & 2006 4Runner.
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    "I'm Idaho!" - ralph wiggum.

    I have more stuff to give away. Let me think of a trivia Q and I'll post soon.


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