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Thread: Cowabunga!!!!

  1. #1
    Member Since
    Apr 2006
    2000 Foxfire S/C #0211
    Thanked: 0


    Oh my gosh...I LOVE my new VX!!!

    When I told my friend Julian what I was doing, he replied, "Oh, you're going to Texas to get your horse." :bwgr:

    After missing my red-eye to Dallas, I composed myself, booked another flight and met VX69 (Jason) at the airport the following day. He couldn't have been a nicer guy. We drove to his place, exchanged papers, and after breakfast I headed home in the VX. With the cruise control set at 65 mph and the exercise of my Jedi mind powers ("...You don't need to see my identification...this isn't the VX you're looking for...move along...") I stayed clear of entanglements, and such discretion gave me a feel for the VX's mileage and road manners. Drive like my dad and I get 21 mpg; drive like Chief Leadfoot and it drops to 11 mpg...the blast of power from the supercharger and dual exhausts guzzles gas but wow, what performance. VX69 had a very, very nice dual-exhaust system installed with Flowmasters, and at a gas station a guy approached me and asked, "Is that a Porsche?"

    The Check Engine light came on just west of Albuquerque and caused me a furrowed brow, but it went away at the next fill-up and I put it down to the gas cap. Other than that the drive home was flawless. VX69 upgraded the sound to a Kenwood/Alpine rig with Sirius satellite radio, so I had tunes all the way home. I hopped off I-15 near Barstow for a quick spin around the desert in 4-low, just because We stopped in Ventura to visit a sculptor friend of mine (WyldWeasel, do you know about Art City, near the river?) and had a great time winding up Highway 1.

    Two days ago, on the way back from town to Big Sur, I turned on the Old Coast Road at Bixby Bridge (the famous arch bridge you see in car ads) and took the scenic route. It's made for the VX: you swing off pavement onto a passable fire road that bumps and winds through redwood-filled creeks, oak-covered hillsides and past cattle pastures to a view up and down the Big Sur coast, then drop back down onto Highway 1 at Andrew Molera State Park. Yow! Yesterday I bopped up to San Francisco to pick up my aunt for the weekend, and she strongly approved of the new truck. He shoots and scores!

    Still taking in all the wonderfullness of this vehicle. I literally wouldn't be here if not for this website and the new friends I've made here. Thank you all so very much! Next year in Moab....
    Groovium :: Apple support & digital design

  2. #2
    Member Since
    Dec 2004
    Former owner of Supercharged #0604, now in withdrawal
    Thanked: 0
    Just rub it in some more, why don't ya?!

    Sounds like you had a nice ride back with your Foxfire. Good for you, good luck with it, and welcome to the family!

  3. #3
    Member Since
    Dec 2002
    2001 Ebony 0177
    Thanked: 0
    THAT'S what I'm sayin'. Love a happy freakin' ending. I really envy the road trip. Welcome to the clan. Wayne

  4. #4
    Member Since
    Apr 2006
    2000 Foxfire S/C #0211
    Thanked: 0
    Many thanks, folks!

  5. #5
    Member Since
    Mar 2006
    2001 FOXFIRE 0579
    Thanked: 0
    congrads, your post put a big ole grin on my face. I am STILL feeling the same way after a month of owning my Foxfire. didnt have as long a drive, but did get to drive thru miami of ohio campus on the way home, and enjoyed all the looks, the rest of the trip was winding country back roads.
    Glad you had a safe trip and welcome to the family
    good to see your aunt has good taste too.

  6. #6
    Member Since
    Feb 2004
    01, Silver, 0603
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    I had a similar trip-redeye to Austin Texas and then a drive back to San Diego-staright thru. 20 odd hours of driving definitely gives you a feel for the VX.

    The funniest part was the fuel light due to the gas cap. I did EXACTLY the same thing. I spent several hours STRESSED OUT because the used vehicle I just bought already had a problem, or so I thought.

    I could just hear my wife busting my balls. She didn't understand why or how I could spend weeks online and on the phone for a vehicle, and then be willing to fly across the country for it.

  7. #7
    Member Since
    Apr 2006
    '99 Copper Orange Mica 1499
    Thanked: 0
    Hey Groovium! Glad to see you got home ok, and that you are so thoroughly enjoying your new ride. I totally share your enthusiasm for the VX.

    Sorry I missed your pass thru, as I was in Moab, then had to head down to San Diego for family reasons and have been without much online time up until now. Too bad you didn't contact my hunny, aka Commando, as 101 passes right by the hunny's place of employment. If you were at the river, you were within a stone's throw of the parking lot where hunny's Proton is usually parked.

    Next week, however, Commando is taking the Norton Commando up your way, so maybe you two can hook up then. I, unfortunately, have to head down south again with my trusty VX so I'll miss that particular journey. But there's always the Classic Car Races in Monterey later this year!
    VX: What your Murano dreams it could be...

  8. #8
    Member Since
    May 2006
    2000 Proton #0702
    Thanked: 0
    Hey, Groove! I just motorcycled down the coast from Carmel Saturday and and as I sailed across Bixby Bridge (or the Bronson Bridge for any of you old enough to recollect the Then Came Bronson TV show) and I was reminded of your post about heading into the Big Sur backwoods. I have figured that I might try this trail on a dual sport bike, but that was in my pre-Proton era. This road is listed in a book of suggested 4WD trips I found at work. What a neat new perspective on the beatiful Big Sur coastline. The book also shows that you can crawl to the top of Nacimiento-Furgesson Road and cruise the costal range south, almost to Gorda. Sounds like VX heaven and a possible weekend mini-meet, easily accessible for 'zu-freaks from San Fransisco to LA.
    Any interest?

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