A friendly reminder to ALWAYS check your PCV valve at every oil change.

When I brought my VX in for warranty work, the dealer did an oil change without asking me. I got around to doing one of my own using synthetic again, and in the process changed out the PCV.

I took off the plastic cover and went to grab the spring clip around the hose that connects to the PCV. I barely tugged on the hose to slide it off the barb when the top half separated itself from the part still in the engine. When I got the bottom half out carefully using pliers, I snapped the valve back together again, and did the "rattle test" and it failed. Thing was gooped up inside and wouldn't budge.

Interestingly enough, my oil was 1.5qts low when I drained it after 1250 miles.

I could have strangled the dealer for putting dino juice in my baby without even asking me first.