Anyone familiar with leasing?
I had my lease inspection done about three weeks ago and I am still waiting on the paperwork.
The inspector pointed out that my window was faulty. I tell him that I have had my passenger window fixed about five times and I have all the paperwork to back it up. I was basically told that the window was "unfixable" and I should expext it to malfunction again.
I tell the inspector this and he says "I'm just a middle-man...that's between you and the bank".
Nice, huh? He must get that a lot.
He also says that I have several blemishes on the black molding around my VX. I told him that those marks were on there before I leased it and the salesman took note of all of them. Naturally, I never got a copy of this "checklist". I ran my VIN number on CARFAX and apparently there was a prior owner in Florida for 11 months. He leased it too as a demo.

The inspector didn't say anything about the new CD player I had to put in after the 6 CD changer broke after its 2 year warranty ran out.
My question....should I remove the CD player I had installed and replace it with the broken six-CD changer deck?
Anyone ever have a situation like this with a leased vehicle?
I'm not sure if I should just let them have the new CD player or not?
I have a feeling I am going to get slammed with some closing fees when I turn this in, so at the same time I feel like keeping my CD player and installing the Isuzu Factory player back in.