Hi all, new here, bought a 2001 yellow V about 4 months ago, I left it outside and came home and noticed the park lights on, figured the thunderstorm we had tripped the alarm, but the alarm worked fine and would not turn the park lights off.
here are my symptons:
the motor will crank but will not start
the gas guage is not working
the park lights stay on

here is what i did so far:
a known good scantool will not communicate with the pcm when trying to code, gives "err" code
found two wires under the pass seat that rubbed though to the body, the wires belong to a 3 wire connector that goes to the trans, i assume it is the TOD as when it is unplugged the check light under the TOD display keeps blinking
the PCM shows no visible short or burnt smell when removed and opened
ohmed out almost all circuits that I have a wiring diagram for though Mitchell on demand, gonna buy a factory manual to confirm the rest, all check out okay so far
this is a list of the essentials that i have done so far but have not succeded in changing the problem
has anyone else had this happen, please email me if you had a similar experience