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Thread: VehiCROSS Concepts question...

  1. #1
    Member Since
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    2000 Ironman VX 0031
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    VehiCROSS Concepts question...

    I was just wondering if anyone has heard from Ron from Vehicross Concepts recently. I know he sold his VX and has a family and is very busy these days. I was just wondering because I ordered some skid plates from him and it's been a while since I heard from him. I'm sure everything is cool because he has been very good about keeping me informed whenever I ask him about the progress of the skid plates, but I haven't gotten responses recently from my emails I sent him, so I'm just curious.

    I just hope all is well on his end. Any info is appreciated.

    Thanks everyone!

  2. #2
    Member Since
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    You beat me to it. I was going to post a similar thread... I also ordered skids a while back, and recently (week ago) emailed him to see what's going on.

    I've not heard back from him.

    Ron - you still with us? if so, could I (we) get an update?



    He lingers -- happily -- in a new hybrid state of semi-hormonal adolescence and responsible self-reliance.


  3. #3
    Member Since
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    1999, Ebony, VX, #1679
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    Rons customer service has always been great so I'm sure he'll get back to you soon or he's got something going on in his busy schedule.
    Billy Oliver
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    Accelerate3Coaching (PM me for 1 time use 20% off code)

  4. #4
    Member Since
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    2000 Ironman VX 0031
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    Thanks guys. I'm sure everything is cool, I just wanted to see if he was around.

    If you and I don't hear from him for about another week, I'll drop him another email.

    Yeah, he's always been cool with getting back to me, so that's what has concerned me a bit (not hearing from him for a couple of weeks). I just hope all is well on his end.

    Thanks again.

  5. #5
    Member Since
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    He gets behind and swamped some times - I think his phone number has been posted before. I'll check my mails from him and see if I have it.

  6. #6
    Member Since
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    2000 Ironman VX 0031
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    Just checking again to see if anyone has heard from Ron. If not, no problem, I'm sure he'll show up... just checking.


  7. #7
    Member Since
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    nothing here...

    from past VXC customers, what's the longest you've gone without hearing from Ron?


  8. #8
    Member Since
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    2001 Proton VX 0136
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    i found out about him through his link in the forums and have been confused as to what he sells. When you click on products all you get is copy and no images. Always been a bit confuzzed. I dropped him a line 3 days ago asking what exactly his products are as I am a new VX owner interested in modding...still nothing

    maybe someone else could answer this for me as I am kinda impatient, esp when it comes to customer service.

  9. #9
    Member Since
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    2001,Kaiser Silver, VX, 0563
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    im not sure what you mean about copy and no images, but if you scroll down on each page theres more stuff, like after you click on products you get the white screen w/ a vx in the background, then you scroll down some and his products are listed (skidplates, clear lenses, grill kits etc.) just click on the button next to the catagory and it shows you what he's got

  10. #10
    Member Since
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    2000 Ironman VX 0031
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    I just heard from Ron. He's been busy to say the least, but he's working on things, so I'm glad all is well.

    So no worries.

  11. #11
    Member Since
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    VX Adopted Out. 2005 BMW 325CI & 2006 4Runner.
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    thank you ron for the update!


  12. #12
    Member Since
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    2001 Proton VX 0136
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    yeah, he got with me today too..seems like a super nice guy seen as how my problem was resolved the way you mentioned ETL...scrolling

    Oh well...that is an impatient web designer for you. You expect things to be where you would put them on the page

    While we are talking about VXC, anyone have any comments on the skidplates? I think they look hot painted to match a proton but they are kinda expensive for ABS. I can deal with the price as long as they have positive feedback from members in the community. ANyone?

  13. #13
    Member Since
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    2000 Ebony VX #263 ****** VX-2 My weekend car
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    I absolutely recommend Ron's products: The workmanship and durability are top-notch. I've had my skidplate for four years now. Other than the 'trail trophy' I put on it , the plate has held up to everything and still looks good. I dont think I have heard one complaint in all these years he has offered them.
    2000 Ebony #263
    Original Owner- love her too much to part with her.

  14. #14
    Member Since
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    2001 Proton VX 0136
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    coming from an esteemed VXer as yourself, I am completely sold. Thanks Anita.

    Ron...coming up, one fore and aft skid plate color coded to my sexy proton as well as a color coded grill kit (2a).

    Kicking around the idear of getting the shifter inserts in prot yellow too. I kinda have a thing for yellow

  15. #15
    Member Since
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    2000 Ebony VX #263 ****** VX-2 My weekend car
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    ha...dont know about being esteemed.. i've just been around the block lots of times... with my VX....

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