Hey everyone! This is Baldwin (aka: Only Won) and it's been a looooooooooooong time since I've been here. It's been mad busy cuz my new CD has just released and I've started touring. Yes...touring in the Only Won Mobile. If you get a chance, check out myspace.com/onlywon and you'll see the new poster featuring my VX. The back of the CD also features my VX. The music video to the title track of my CD, "Glory" will also feature it and will be distributed nationwide! You KNOW us rappers have to show off our ride and what better ride than our VX! Was at a hip hop show this weekend and they had a tricked out car show before...when I rolled in with the VX, they didn't care about the lowriders anymore! Come check out the sites below when you get a chance. And if I come by your town for a concert, please say "hi". The song Lyrical Engineer also talks about my VX. You can hear that on myspace.

Baldwin (aka: Only Won)
Sonic bids Electronic Press Kit