Well I found a VX for sale thats really close to me in 2 ways. First its close in location... only 20 minutes away. Seccondly its at a friends lot. My friend is a dealer and its on his lot, so it may be his that he picked up at auction. He has it listed for 8,900 which is great, but the milage is way high. Its a 99 with 125,xxx miles. I was wondering if this scares anyone. I may be able to get the price down, but as far as the milage... it kinda makes me weary.I have never owned an Isuzu, yet have had friends with them and they do tend to last. Another thing is that when the vehicross first came out... I was on the isuzu web site and requested a brochure and believe it or not, I still have the papers that I got in the mail. I have wanted one for some time now, but honestly have had a love for sports cars that led me to autox. Now that I drive more than an hour to school (one way), I need something with a bit more space and a bit nicer ride. I look forward to off roading in something thats not so genaric as everyones jeep wrangler. Basically I was wondering what were some things to look for on the VX that may be problem areas or any tell signs that this one is not for me (or on its last leg). Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys.

Ps. Post 1 for me