OK, I know I have posted about this before, but I'm doing it again because I'm getting down to crunch time and I am getting nervous about time and money.

The VX is going in for a check up and some maintenance tomorrow morning.
I am going on a 2000 mile drive in 1 WEEK!

I am concerned about 2 factors regarding the maintenance. And I would like some honest, concise advice here:

Remember, I just rolled over 30K

1) Front wheel bearing repack, should I do it NOW, or will things most likely be ok for another month or two, even with the 2000 mile drive. I ask because time and money are VERY tight right now. But, if NOT doing it will run me a serious risk on this long drive, please let me know.

2) Engine coolant flush and refill. I have heard from some people that the engine coolant should be good for much, much longer than 30k and that I shouldn't have it flushed because sometimes this can mess up the cooling system.

I am slightly concerned, given the time frame here that it would be more of a risk to have mechanic do serious work on my VX (yes, I am paranoid that they might F' something up and then I will be SCREWED) right before I NEED my VX in a BIG WAY. And on the flip side, I do need my VX to be in 100% tip top shape for this drive.

So I am debating on having them just do an overall checkup, leaving the wheel bearing repack for AFTER I get to Reno.

What do you all think about the above. Please don't be afraid to tell me I am just being stupid and/or overly paranoid.

Thanks - Bart