I have been complaining of a grinding/vibration in my driveline for a while now, bith with my dealer and several posts here. It occurs most at higher speeds 60 -70, but is apparent at lower speeds as well 40 - 50. Very loud and noticable. It only happens when there is no load on the driveline, neither accelerating or decelerating, only when just barely holding throttle (somewhere in the middle). Step on it, noise is gone, back of the throttle, noise is gone. To me it sounds like severe gear lash or something, and when there is a load, the gears mesh and you get no sound. Many have mentioned similar noises when lifting the VX. Mine is lifted, but it made this noise before that. Anyway, dealer had the VX for 4 weeks, used chasis ears, everything to try and narrow it down, so they say. The acknowledge the problem, but cant fix it. They narrowed it down to the transfer case. My luck, there was and Isuzu engineer as they described at the dealer, and he handed them and letter issue in March 2001 to descirbe slight driveline noise and groan on 4WD Isuzus with automatic transmission in 4th gear, when in 2wd mode "as normal". Thing is, the VX is never in 2wd mode, it does it in any gear, and is not a slight groan. So they say there is nothing they can do. I called the 1-800 Isuzu customer support number and am waiting for a resoponse. Ill keep everyone posted.
But has anyone else had tranfer case issues, noise, replaced or repaired??? I have been using Royal Purple synthetic auto tranny fluid since 30K, is this bad? Is the synthetic maybe too slippery? I was thinking of going back to normal tranny fluid to see if it helps.