Hmmm.... Mine aren't VX specific.
"MTBIKR" Cause I do and I am.
Hmmm.... Mine aren't VX specific.
"MTBIKR" Cause I do and I am.
I couldn't help it, it's debadged and I get soooo many looks.
So this is what I'm thinking...
I got the papers in the mail today! My plates are ready to pick up!
Sold the VX 11-21-07. It was fun while I had it!
Thanks for all the help.
I dont have my VX yet but{ F N G }will be my plate.....hehe
I have a gaming center called fragNnet Gaming......pluss I was in the figure it out...i hope its not takin..if so it will be { FNG VX }
or{ FRAG VX }...
chin up