I’ve done quite a bit of searching on the subject over the last year or so, and what I’ve discovered is that all of the forum’s shock information is pretty strewn and scattered – there doesn’t seem to be an individual thread that contains all (or even most) of the answers that someone might be looking for.

With everyone’s help (and I want to thank you all in advance!), hopefully this thread will soon become the all-inclusive repository on the subject.

-- These are probably some of the most common questions:

“How can I tell if my shocks are shot?”
“How do you rebuild the OEM shocks?”
“What shocks can I use to replace the OEMs?”
“What RS-9000s will fit my stock VX?”
“What RS-9000s will fit my lifted VX?”
“Which Bilstein shocks should I buy / avoid?”

That ought to be enough to get things started…
But please feel free to submit ANY useful information on the subject, be it great or small – whether it’s a write-up, part numbers, a related link, etc.