Hey Gene, sorry didn't see this... my bad.
Jays wheels I don't believe could be -12mm, Even if that's all they are [currently] offered at. I think Ryan (little beast) can help me out a bit, but here's how it goes. (My understanding, please anyone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong)
Stock wheels +18mm offset, anything less than that pushes the outward from the vehicle. If my wheels are at +10mm offset, and stick out quite a bit, then anything that sticks out less than mine would have to be between 10mm and 18mm Positive offset. Which is why I believe some of the early posted wheels are incorrect.
I think that Tom4Bren is at a 0 to +5mm offset, I'm at a +10mm and Beast is at +15mm, so based on images of our setups you could get a pretty close guess as to what people's Offset are.
Of course this makes the assumption that we all have wheels between the widths of 7" - 8.5", my wheels are 8.5" wide.
========= A little advice ============
To those of you who posted images of your vehicle, and Rickshaw has already added you to his posts, I recommend deleting your original post (or editing it) so the images aren't posted twice.
This thread is really taking off!! Good Job Rickshaw!!